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🗓️ Tuesday 13th of May
🕔 6:15PM
📍 Alliance Française Auckland
💸 AF Members: Free (but booking necessary)
     Non-members: $10

Discover Au revoir les enfants, a French cinema classic, with expert insights. The last of three Louis Malle films in this cycle.

🗓️ Tuesday 6th May
🕔 From 6:45 pm
📍 Q Theater, 305 Queen Street, Auckland Central, Auckland 1010

🎤 Ready for a good laugh? Come see Paul’s hilarious show, where he pokes fun at the French and share  his story of life as a British expat in France!

🗓️ Tuesday 8th of March
🕔 6:15PM
📍 Alliance Française Auckland
💸 AF Members: Free (but booking necessary)
     Non-members: $10

Discover Zazie dans le métro, a French cinema classic, with expert insights. The second of three Louis Malle films in this cycle.